Sunday, October 29, 2006

A grand day out

Boy (pointing): What are those mummy.
Mother: They're Zebras.
Boy: No, those, lying down.
Mother: Those are logs.

Yes, I went to the zoo a few days ago, during half term week, and a laugh was had by all.

Well, when I say zoo, I actually mean the Cotswold Wildlife Park. A wildlife park is like a zoo, but instead of bars separating you from the animals there is a fence, a ditch then another fence. The height of the fences, and the amount of electricity going through the second one varies with the likelyhood of the animals inside eating you given the chance, but generally I think the view you get is better and the animals have a lot more room than they would at what you would normally consider a zoo.

Last Christmas I adopted a penguin for Helen as a gift - or at least I gave a bunch of money to the park in her name, they sent her a certificate, and they have some penguins, which is almost the same thing - so we were mostly interested in seeing these guys. I didn't really realise how much else there was too see there though. I would recommend going along to anyone.

While we were there I took a load of pictures - far too many to post here. Here is my favourite from the day - I'll post some of the others later in the week.

Click the photo for a larger version.
Nikon 80-400 VR at 280mm, f8, 1/20sec

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