Friday, January 19, 2007

Storm Damage in London

Yesterday the UK suffered from the worst storms in 17 years. Here in London, two-thirds of the way up the Centre Point tower, things started getting weird around lunch time, with the building starting to sway - a few people got a bit motion sick and decided to head on out. Lower down, the trees that had only recently been planted outside were almost blown completely away, water from the fountain was being blown right across the road and the building's revolving doors somehow got 'slammed' and shattered. Here are a couple of pics.


Asian Butterfly said...

These are some amazing photos. This past winter here, we have had pretty bad storms too with much damage all over Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. I really like how you give links to places of interest or just even a site for more explaination. I am suspecting that this needs some knowledge in html?

Dave Licence said...

Thanks for your comment. You should be able to add a link in your posts just by highlighting the word and clicking the 'link' icon at the top of the edit box and pasting the link into the pop-up that appears. Otherwise you just need to switch to HTML editing mode and insert a link using the code - an example is shown here or give me a shout if you need more info.