Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mrs Jiffler and Google Reader

You may have taken a browse through some of my other oft-visited blogs and sites under the 'ALSO SEE ...' banner on the right. If so, you'll probably have read The Jiffler's blog and possibly even have attempted to copy one of his zen-measured cookery creations.

Now Mrs. Jiffler has a blog too - she recently moved out to Senegal and is posting about her experiences in and around Dakar. Her first properly descriptive post about the place is now up here.

I've also just stumbled across Google Reader. If you find yourself, like me, visiting the same set of blogs regularly you can use this online service to subscribe to the feeds and never miss a post. As well as Blogger, it also currently supports My Space,, flikr, Live Journal, Windows Live Spaces and Xanga. Even better, you can add Google Reader as a widget on your Google homepage - here's mine as an example.


Dave said...

Hi David,

David Here ;) Found you on Confluence

RSS feed readers make it easier to drink from the fire hose (a metaphore for information overload)

I've been using Bloglines for my feed reader for ages now.

Dave said...

Heh, drinking from the fire hose.

Neil said...

Cheers Charlie. Been playing with Google Reader and it's top. Especially like the widget you can add to a blogger blog, listing your shared items (see Google reader blog or it demoed in a blatantly shameless plug)