Friday, September 21, 2007


I was out doing a bit of tidying in the garden the other weekend - just cutting back all this year's growth rather than doing anything amazing with an herbaceous border or installing a shrubbery (OK so that's two links for shrubberies. Sorry. I did look for something amusing on herbaceous borders but am easily distracted).

There is a bramble on the lane behind my garden, which keeps trying to loop its way over the fence and find an extra foothold. As I was battling with it I noticed another plant that seemed to be thriving by winding and tangling itself around the bramble and pretty much everything nearby. The shapes and patterns made by this plant are quite interesting to look at as it really does wriggle around to cling on to whatever its near.

This observation resulted in some more macro shots (I'll try to photograph something full-scale soon, promise).

The plant could be some kind of creeper, hence the title of this post, but I really have no idea.

Nikon D200, AF-S 105mm Micro VR
1/160sec, f/9                                                  1/125sec, f/16


James said...


Livingsword said...

The similarities yet differences between this post and the last is developing a sub-theme within your larger macro theme.

I prefer the color one to the black and white, the entangled colours and struggle between the two titans of tangle.

The black and white is a bit disconcerting, it kind of looks like a video from an optic cable being used in some sort of micro surgery; no colour to show its ok, this is not the inside of another human being.

I hope you know I may have nightmares after this.

I’m guessing that this means your photos are quite successful, in achieving a lasting impression.

Anonymous said...

I live the vibrant colors in the first one. Talk about a stranglehold!

Found you through BE.