Sunday, November 26, 2006

Improvements and DVD Menus

Just been watching the second season of Spooks. If you're thinking of watching this too, I'm gonna have to recommend you download it instead of buying it on DVD. Don't get me wrong, its a great show - I wish I'd gotten into it four five seasons ago when it started!

The reason I'm suggesting something illegal is the hardship. This DVD box-set doesn't give the worst set of screens, notices and menus I've had to navigate (that accolade goes to Prison Break), but the quantity and length of studio ads, piracy warnings (in five languages!) and badly designed menus you have to go through, just to watch your own DVDs is ridiculous. At least in the days of video you could fast-forward, but not any more because they disable that function while they're telling you what a naughty thing piracy is. How can they not realise that one of the key benefits of a download is that you don't have to watch this crap for five minutes before you can start enjoying the show?

Enough ranting.

If you're a regular visitor, you'll notice some improvements today:
  • The Reading and Listening To sections on the left have been merged and now there's an expandable section for the text against all but the newest entries to keep the size down. The javascript for this was stolen wholesale from the VideoLAN home page. Sorry :-)
  • Clicking on a picture now brings up a cool image container instead of just navigating away to a separate page with just the image on it. For this I'm using Slimbox, which is great!
edit: I had to get rid of the expandable text sections - they were causing IE to bomb for some reason. They were working yesterday!

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