Saturday, November 25, 2006

Journey to work

I'm normally quite rushed on the way to work in the morning - I leave the house late or dawdle a little on the way so can't stop if I'm going to catch the train on time. Then, by the time I do get to London, I've allowed myself to sleep on the journey and am not really awake enough to pay attention to what's about. When leaving work for the day, at this time of year, there's no light left.

This means that even if I do have my camera with me I don't use it. I carry the camera around to keep me thinking about my surroundings, and often find myself wasting it.

One day this last week I thought I'd see if I could do it different. It was a nice sunny morning and some of the trees were still looking their best, so I got some shots - both on the way from my house to the station and then also a couple between the train and the office.

This picture is from a tree on my way to the train station in Milton Keynes. There's a group of three or four of these and they have this amazing colour and are keeping their leaves well.

Nikon 18-200mm at 50mm, f7.1, 1/15sec

This picture is of some of the trees in Gordon Square in London. This square has been closed for ages while some work is done on the fences and paths, so no-one can actually go in - this was taken from outside on the North side. I was hoping that the work in the square would be finished by now, but progress seems slow. Fortunately I still managed to get this shot with the sun shining through, and showing the colours.

Nikon 18-200mm at 31mm, f7.1, 1/125sec

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