Saturday, December 22, 2007

How to ... Chuckles

This second in the How To ... series is on a less serious topic than the first.

Unlike the previous instalment it can be easily practiced on one's own, although for the sake of all-round amusement I would suggest attempting simultaneous rehearsal among a group of like minded individuals.

Lastly, while the previous lesson was demonstrated through the use of an instructive image, this one requires a video to convey full tutelage.

Dave's Photo Blog is proud to present How To Make Full Use of Your Laugh.


Kiran said...


Absolutely cute!!!! thanks for posting this!

Merry Christmas to all your family!


Livingsword said...


A how to on passing along a contagious laugh!

Enquiring minds are asking “will things ever be the same now that Dave is publishing videos?” LOL

What a year macro bugs to Gigglies! (As opposed to Googlies)

Who does he get the laugh from?

Happy New Year to you and yours Dave!!!

myonlyphoto said...

Oh babies can really laugh, and we laugh with them. This is really cute baby too, and just in time for the season. All the best in the New Year 2008. Anna :)

Dave Licence said...

Thanks for the comments everyone. And a happy new year to you all !