Monday, April 02, 2007

Altitude Acclimatization, part 2

Whatever the actual altitude in Dingboche, we're now above the tree line and, although its still clear during the days, its cold out of the sun, and last night the temperature dropped to minus eight (Celsius).

Because the air is so thin and cold, we lose a lot of moisture through breathing and so need to drink extra fluids. This results in me waking up several times a night with a dehydration headache and needing to drink. The low temperature causes an issue when I find my water starting to freeze by the morning. The altitude is also playing havoc with my appetite and its very difficult to eat much at mealtimes.

Today - day 10 - is another rest day. We have climbed around a thousand meters since Namche and we need to give ourselves time to get used to the extra height before heading further. We go for a walk up a few hundreds meters in the morning, passing several stupas on the way and take it easy in the afternoon.

The afternoon looks promising for another good sunset, but the clouds come back in at the last moment. The clouds look more ominous today, and our guide says the weather is going to change for the worse, but hopefully not for a couple of days.


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