Monday, April 30, 2007

Deer in bluebells

On Saturday I went to Ashridge to see if there were any bluebells still about - in previous years when I've been there the place is carpeted with them, but I was worried I'd left it a little late.

I needn't have worried at all. I was wondering around the woods, off the paths, climbing trees and lying on the floor to get a few shots, when I spotted another photographer of to my left, about twenty meters away.

Suddenly I saw some movement in front of me: there's a group of about fifteen deer heading straight for the other guy. They see him and stop, wondering what to do, so I sit down on the nearest log to to see if they will come any closer. I think about trying to change lenses, because I'm all set up for close-ups.

Before I have any more time to do anything, the deer decide the second guy is not to be trusted and run straight at me!. They spot me and change angle, but end up running between us - about five meters from me. I snap away a few shots, but haven't had time to think about anything so just have to hope something comes out. Fortunately, one of them does.

Once the deer are a little way away they stop again and have another think before running in a different direction. This allows me to get another few shots of the group.

Nikon 105mm VR Micro
1/60sec at f/6.3                                             1/60sec at f/5

1 comment:

Kiran said...

top score Dave. Perfect shots!