Friday, April 27, 2007

Neighbours: Officially Bonkers

I used to watch Neighbours every day - school was only two minutes walk from my house so me and a group of friends used to go back to mine during lunch and catch up on the latest happenings in Ramsey Street and Summer Bay.

Leaving school also meant leaving behind soaps almost completely.

This week however, while not in Sweden, I've been working at home and managed to catch both Tuesdays and today's Neighbours instalments. On Tuesday I learnt that Karl had a pet rooster, called Springsteen, which he was in the process of trying to hypnotise into not crowing. Today Susan discovered lice in Karl's beard and traced them back to Springsteen ... the cock had to go.

If you're near a TV at 5:40 this evening, I honestly encourage you to watch today's episode - when Karl is whimpering over loosing his feathered friend he actually says 'but we shared so many memories' and there follows a short montage of all their special moments - including the time he sang to his buddy in the garden and the extra special moment they had sharing crisps from the same dish while watching TV. It really is one of the most hilarious pieces of television I have seen in a long time.

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