Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Owls - they've got your number

While on a visit to Paradise Park in Hayle, Cornwall last week I had a great opportunity for some owl shots. Owls can be tricky - during normal wildlife centre opening hours they tend to just sit at the back of their aviaries asleep, or as close to being asleep as makes no difference. The owls here put on a bit of a show though - all the ones shown here look as if they know exactly who you are and are on to whatever you've done wrong.

I have forgotten the name of the first little guy, but next to him we have a horned, or eagle owl and a snowy owl.

All shot with the Nikon 80-400mm VR lens. Click the photos for a larger version of each.


Asian Butterfly said...

Gorgeous photos once again!

Andrew said...

Owls are such majestic and secretive creatures. It is amazing you got those shots. Great photos!

Andrew in Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues

Livingsword said...

Fantastic photos Dave!