Monday, February 05, 2007

Barbie's Dog

This is hilarious... I'm sitting at home listening to Bloc Party, with some Wacky Races on silent on Boomerang and a book in my hand (as you do).

I look up after finishing a paragraph and what do I see? The adverts are on and there seems to be a plastic dog going for a shit on the screen in front of me!

Yes, Barbie now has a dog. It's called Tanner and you can feed it dog biscuits, wait for it to 'go to the bathroom', then do the responsible thing and clean up after it. Brilliant. What will they think of next? There's one thing right there I hope never to be asked for by any daughter of mine.

Bugger. Now I've gone and missed the end of Wacky Races. Wonder who won?

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