Wednesday, February 07, 2007

PC vs Mac

I'm a PC owner - always have been and probably (never say never right?) always will be. Just been watching the PC vs Mac ads though and they are fairly amusing. The PC guy even looks like Bill Gates. Anyway, if you've not seen them I recommend a view. There's but a load here.

edit: I had to remove the embedded video - it was causing IE7 to crash when accessing the blog! You can see this yourself if you have IE7 at my test blog here.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Watched these yesterday and they're very good. I was aware of the UK versions, but not the original ads.

Wierdly, seeing as I think Mitchell & Webb are great, I prefer the humour in the US ones. M & W have that slightly dark-edge which doesn't seem to fit with the laid back thing they manage in the originals.