Monday, May 28, 2007

Eden Project - Flora

You may have wondered from the last two posts why I went all the way to the Eden Project - basically a glorified garden - and, up until now, only posted pictures of the architecture. Truth is I actually found that more interesting.

While I enjoy flowers and plants for their aesthetic qualities, I don't hold much interest for learning their names or for spending too much time growing and nurturing them. I do like a nice tidy looking garden, and have spent some time mucking around in my own, but I would much prefer for it to handle itself.

I didn't completely ignore the flora at Eden though. Here are my favourite shots from the day out - an orange flower (see, no idea what its called and no qualms about that), an Arum Lily (my absolute favourite photo from the day) and a fern leaf.

As usual, click the thumbnails for a larger version of each.


Asian Butterfly said...

Wow! I love the new look! The format is very professional looking and the photos, gorgeous as always. Its been a little while since I checked on your blog. You have done alot!That yellow flower looks like a painting!

Dave Licence said...

Thanks! I started by adding the picture in the header and then got carried away - spent far too long on it, but it ended up looking pretty good, so I'm happy.

Livingsword said...

Very snazzy look Dave. I concure with your comments about plants. I find them interesting to look at to a certain degree but I am glad my wife loves to do the gardening.