Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New look

I've had a couple of comments on the site redesign - thanks to Neil and Asian Butterfly.

I'd been thinking about trying to make things look cleaner for a while when I saw the latest Buzz post on how to add a header picture to a standard blog. I tried it and kind of went a little crazy. A few hours later and the old three column template (adapted from 'Minima Dark') has been changed back into a two column template with colours and a style I really like.

Just in case you are wondering about the photo used in the header, its a view from the ferry between Wellington and Picton in New Zealand, on an overcast, rainy day in November 2005. Here's another couple from the same day - both taken with my old D70 and the 18-70mm kit lens I had back then.


Asian Butterfly said...

Hah! I was going to ask you about that header picture! Isn't NZ beautiful? I was there many years ago and still can't get over the kind of fresh produce they get there and ofcourse the landscapes are gorgeous.

Thanks for the tip on dpreview.com I haven't bought a camera yet. Still researching and looking around. Kinda down to 2 brands. Sony and Canon. Must have macro as you suggested. I'm getting frustrated with my phone camera of 1.3 MP. Not enough detail.

I found another photo site. You might find it interesting. ITs called http://herspace-myspace.blogspot.com/ I love the pics there too. Different from your blog though.

Anonymous said...

Aha! I looked at that header and I thought hmmm. That doesn't look like the UK, that looks like the Malborough Sounds near Anakiwa. And it was! very nicely captured Dave.

Livingsword said...

It looks a lot like the nothern British Columbia coast.