Friday, May 25, 2007

Eden Project - Outside

The Eden Project in Cornwall is on the site of an old quarry. Back in 1998 it really was just the remnants of the quarry - an open pit devoid of anything but mud and stagnant water. By 2001 the pit had been transformed into a lush valley full of plants and two odd looking structures called the biomes.

The biomes are huge, bubble-looking things that are fully climate controlled in order to create an environment suitable for the plants inside. One biome is full of Mediterranean flora, and the other is much hotter and more humid, containing what could literally be called a jungle.

Below are some photos of the biomes, showing their construction and just how large they are.

1 comment:

Livingsword said...

Interesting images Dave. They almost don't look real, an interesting place to shoot scenes for Battlestar Galactica?