Thursday, May 24, 2007


I may have briefly mocked it, but thanks to Neil I've discovered Facebook.

I joined because I pretty much have to join every site I come across and I have to take advantage of the firewall being broken at work while I still can.

I've also just discovered that there are eighteen other people with Facebook accounts that I share a surname with. This may not be news to your common-or-garden surname-holders, but for me, with the surname Licence, this is a bit of a revelation: apart from people in my direct family (of which none have accounts), I've never met anyone with the surname Licence, or anyone else who has (apart from the check-in girl at Gibraltar airport, but that conversation was so weird I've put that in the 'I may have been dreaming' category).

I've also just run a surname search (thanks Helen) on the Surname Profiler Project, where you can track the distribution of your name between the 1881 and 1998 censuses, and found that there are only eight Licences in every one million people in the country - still pretty unique.

Anyway, feel free to join me on Facebook - I'm reasonably sure you'll easily be able to find me through a name search.

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