Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Asian Otters

Both the Paradise Park and the National Seal Sanctuary in Cornwall have Asian Small-Clawed Otters.

Asian otters are a lot smaller than the European variety - probably only half the size. They make up for this by making much more noise - squeaking and meeping amongst themselves all the time.

The first two shots below are of the otters at Paradise Park, while the two in the shot at the bottom are at the Seal Sanctuary during feeding time.



Neil said...

Neither me or Beverley know what meeping means, but we agree it's a good word. So well done.

Dave Licence said...

Perhaps this would enlighten you.

Dave Licence said...

This, however, would probably only confuse.

Neil said...

As usual Wikipedia saves the day.

Livingsword said...

Meep? The first thing I thought of was:


Philip. said...

Great photos!!


Dave Licence said...

Philip: thanks!
Livingsword: haha - not the you thought of poly[di(methoxyethoxyethoxy)phosphazene and not the Maine Energy Education program? Shame. Aren't you supposed to be on holiday?