Thursday, September 06, 2007

Oak Bush-Cricket

Here is another night-time interloper into my household. An oak bush-cricket - a male (noted due to the lack of a pointed ovipositor).

This guy is less common and certainly more unexpected than the moths of my previous post, given that I don't live too close to woodland. I did spot a speckled bush-cricket in my back garden last year though while pruning the greenery so maybe the speckled bunch invited some of the oak gang over for an intra-species parley and this one got lost - photographed here hanging upside-down off my ceiling a few nights ago.

Nikon D200, AF-S 105mm Micro VR, SB-600
1/80sec, f/20, ISO-200



Thats a really nice macro! I like how you have it where I can see the image full size. Do you worry about people stealing the images though?

Dave Licence said...

Thanks for the comment.
I don't link to the full sized images - normally just the 800x600 version, whereas the originals are 3000x2000. I don't mind if someone wants to use one of the photos that I post as I'm not selling them as you are. If someone asks for a larger version of any of the shots I will normally comply. I would feel put-out if a photo was used without me being informed though.


I think if people would just ask, I would be mostly happy to let them use my images, at least the ones I'm not selling. It's when I run across them on the web and I have no idea who is running the site, that I get perturbed. Have you ever thought about selling prints of your images? They are really good you know!

Dave Licence said...

I have some of my shots on - a stock photography site, but the return are so low I'm not going to bother putting any more on.
How do you do with your prints on e-bay? Do you sell any other way as well?


I have sold quite a few on ebay, but it goes in spurts. The holidays are pretty good but the rest of the year seems to be slow, like one a month. I don't advertise like I should, or keep a fancy store either. Most of the stock sites keep to much of the money that I have found, to make it worthwhile as well. There should be a better way to sell art! LOL! I have heard of a place called "Etsy" but I haven't really checked it out yet.

myonlyphoto said...

Oh Dave I couldn't help to scan your insect posts, wow, this is excellent shot. Anna :)