Monday, September 10, 2007

Rope Light

I have a rope light strung up along the handrail of the stairs in my house. It looks pretty cool when it is switched on, but that tends to be only for parties - most of the time it just sits there not doing much but collecting dust.

The other night I had the lights on while taking photos of moths - seen in the background of the first picture in last week's Creatures Of The Night post - and wondered what the rope might look like on its own. Here are a couple of shots from my experiment.

Nikon D200, AF-S 105mm Micro VR
1/200sec, f/7.1                                               1/80 sec, f/8



Awesome! :)

Pedagogo Alex said...

Thanks Dave
Your images are beautifull too....

Livingsword said...

This is great over the past while I sort of feeling like I am getting a macro tour of your home, although these images don’t have any of your little guests in them, I note I haven’t been invited to any of your parties :)

Very interesting images, one of the reasons the macros are so fascinating is the change in perspective they provide us. I am interested in your thought process in your photography. Do you walk around in life looking for opportunities, or do you “just” switch into “photographer mode”? How does your creativity work with your “eye” for an image? Typically do you study your subject for long? Are there particular catalysts that assist or “awaken” your creativity? You know, all the what makes you tick questions :)


You must be wonderfully busy with that gorgeous new baby! I hope you and your wife are getting at least a little sleep! Fun times, I remember them well! :)

Dave Licence said...

Thanks for all the comments.

LS - macros are cool and I agree about the change of perspective. I don't tend to go around looking for photos - every now and then I just spot something that catches my eye for some reason and I think I should shoot it - hence the occasionally erratic posting. Also, I don't tend to think too much about what pictures I am taking - its a bit of a failing really as I am often looking at the results thinking 'if I'd have just done ...' but the moment is gone. So, as to what makes me tick ... er, no idea :-)

KS - pretty busy yes. I have some more photos (will hopefully get to post tonight), but just finding time to process them, let alone take more is hard right now. Not that I'm complaining though.